Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Silence on a hill where the path ended
and then the forest below
moving in one long whisper
as evening touched the leaves.

--William Stafford

Just now...

Just now it seems
that I've imagined you somehow,
and you've gone far away
leaving no clue
as to who or where you are.
I wish I knew
about you.

Some times it seems
that I could touch you,
reach out my hand
and there you'd be.
looking back at me.
It's all so strange,
I don't know what to think
or to feel; I only know
that there is something real
about it all.


Sweet the coming on
Of grateful evening mild; then silent night
With this her solemn bird and this fair moon
And these the gems of heaven, her starry train.

--John Milton