Monday, May 10, 2010


“Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.”

--C.S. Lewis


  1. Though love is a flower, newly bloomed, fragantly sweet, exuding youth and vitality - heartachingly beautiful - it is MORE SO the fruit, ripening over time, lovely in other ways but not as young, strong or glorious. This love - mature love - feeds the heart of God and His children and, ultimately produces life and countless other fruits. The flower, though wonderful lasts but days. The fruit, through it's off-spring, can last forever! This is the way of God - the way of life and love. This is the way of all those who have seen into the heart and mind of the living God - our heavenly Father. Peace to you all.

  2. Thank you, dear brother in Christ, for your beautiful words of truth. May God bless you.

  3. Yes it is.

    The steady beat of a loved one is all that is needed to keep on loving them.

  4. Thank you for writing, Oddyoddyo13, and may you always believe in love, God's gift to us all. May God bless you.
