Thursday, June 24, 2010

Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

"He must increase, but I must decrease."
--the words of Saint John the Baptist, as recorded by Saint John, Ch.3., V. 30 of the Holy Bible

(Happy 12th birthday, Mary!)


  1. Likewise, we must old decrease so that He can increase in our lives.

  2. Yes, you are absolutely right, Elizabeth. Welcome, and thank you very much for your nice comment! Happy feast day, and may God bless you and Our Lady protect you.

  3. Thank you, ladies, for your very nice comments. Humility is the secret of the saints, and it is reality, after all. May God bless you.

  4. Very true...and why not...pure scripture.
    Hi. I came across your blog through another blog I follow and have signed up as a follower. When you’re free, please do visit me and let me know what you think of my blog and leave a comment. If you like, do follow as well. I am always open to great new people and interesting websites. Look forward to hearing from you.

  5. Thank you very much, covnitkepr1, and welcome. I will certainly visit your blog; thank you for the invitation. May God bless you.
