Monday, September 6, 2010

Late summer

"A late summer garden has a tranquility found no other time of the year."
--William Longgood


  1. Tranquility - yes. But, with a touch of sadness because it is the end of summer.

  2. It was the time of year just after the summer's gone
    When August and September just become memories of songs
    To be put away with the summer clothes
    And packed up in the attic for another year.

    Indian Summer, Dream Academy

  3. Thank you all for the fine comments; they are most appreciated! Yes, Summer's end is always bittersweet for me, but the seasons are Almighty God's handiwork and I know that He knows best; even Winter's bitter cold has its purpose, though I must admit that I don't look forward to it. Thank you for the lovely verses, kkollwitz: they are the epitome of the present days. May Almighty God bless you and your loved ones.
