Friday, October 29, 2010

A day

A day! It has risen upon us from the great deep of eternity, girt round with wonder; emerging from the womb of darkness; a new creation of life and light spoken into being by the word of God.
--E. H. Chapin


  1. The only thing that differentiates one day from another is the intervening darkness of night. I think we would grow weary of the day if not for the night. The unending brightness would be too much for us. That's how it is in this life: even that which is good and beautiful can become wearisome.

    And so, even our trials and sufferings, like the darkness of night, are a sort of darkness that help us to appreciate the light of blessings that might otherwise become too common for our gratitude, or even wearisome in their being constantly with us.

    Not so in heaven, there all will be goodness and beauty and nothing will make us weary, nothing prevent us from being constantly amazed and grateful, ever full of joy!

  2. What a fantastic way to look at a day! It makes me feel ashamed to take such a thing for granted.

  3. This quote is lovely and the picture is spectacular! Thank you, Lord, for giving us eyes to see such beauty!
