Thursday, December 30, 2010

Anyone can

Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down. And this is all life really means.
--Robert Louis Stevenson


  1. Living in the present moment. Somewhere yesterday I read that God doesn't give us grace for the future we imagine, but for the now that we live in. We can work ourselves up into a froth of anxiety about what might happen, but it's what actually happens that matters. And that's what we ought to live, from moment to moment, our now.

  2. I have always struggled with the concept of living in the present moment. Sometimes I feel that I have wished my life away always waiting for "tomorrow". When will I enjoy "today"?

  3. Thank you both very much for your thought-provoking comments. No matter how difficult life seems sometimes, Almighty God gives us the grace to fulfill our daily duties--but we must ask Him for these graces. I know that I forget to ask often enough, but my good Angel is always there to help me remember. Dear Hannah, I know just what you mean. But today is truly God's gift to us--it is "the present+, after all. And H. Heide, a wise friend once told me that I should remember to always focus on this day, that is, the one in which I am living at the time, for then tomorrow's troubles would take care of themselves. May Almighty God richly bless you both.
